
Thank You from United with Israel

Porque apoyo Israel, mucha personas jóvenes no han escuchado, ni siquiera visto, o leído acerca del Holocausto Judío, conocí a una gran amiga, que hoy ya no esta con nosotros, su familia tuvo que huir el siglo pasado de Alemania y refugiarse en el Perú. Hay millones de casos así en este planeta, Mi apoyo a Israel no significa que este de acuerdo con la construcción de muros para dividir comunidades de  palestinos, allí estoy de acuerdo con Jimmy Carter, en un libro lamentablemente no leído  por muchos americanos. Independientemente de este tema, La humanidad no puede repetir la historia y permitir que el presidente de una Nación como Irán diga abiertamente que Israel no tiene derecho a existir. Les recomiendo ver Shindler's List y luego decidan si firman una petición de para detener a Irán en su programa Nuclear. La administración Bush mintió al mundo e invadió Irak, un grave error geopolítico, Hoy bajo las cenizas de Irak, Irán ha desarrollado misiles balísticos que pueden alcanzar a Israel, La sociedad de naciones no detuvo a Hitler en su momento, la historia parece ser cíclica, la ONU esta muy despreocupada respecto a Ahmadinejad y sus socios en Rusia y China. Los invito a reflexionar y a firmar si lo desean.

Thank you for your signing the Petition to Stop Iran. Israel's very existence is being threatened by the prospect of nuclear attack from Iran. We appreciate your strong support for Israel's right to defend itself and avoid another Holocaust. Thank you for standing United with Israel at this very critical time in history.  

We invite you to be an active part of our Facebook community and to encourage your family and friends to join our group:

Now more than ever, the people of Israel value the support of their friends throughout the world. And throughout history, those who have blessed Israel have themselves been blessed.

United with Israel is the world's first and only Global Movement for Israel. We are a grassroots organization, deeply committed to the success and prosperity of Israel. Our mission is to foster global unity with the People, Country and Land of Israel and to demonstrate how Israel is a great source of blessing to the world. We are building a huge, global network of pro-Israel activists who advocate for Israel around the world. United with Israel promotes the urgency and privilege of standing United with Israel.

 We encourage you to sign up for your FREE subscription to our Israel Alert Newsletter by clicking on the link below. (If you run into problems, simply copy and paste the entire link into your browser.) This link will also provide you with access to a special booklet called "101 Amazing Facts about Israel".

Again, the People of Israel sincerely thank you for your support and welcome you to the 'United with Israel' family.

With Blessings from Israel, 

United with Israel
The Global Movement for Israel
Mailing Address: 
PO Box 151
Lawrence, NY 11559
United States

Toll Free (USA): 1-888-ZION-613
International: 1-704-313-4400
Israel Office: +972-52-768-1179

Email: info@unitedwithisrael.org
Website: www.unitedwithisrael.org

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